Student Residence Permit

Student Residence Permit

Students who will study in Turkey, must obtain a residence permit to cover their education period.

Primary or secondary education : Since these students will in Turkey with their families,  first of all, parents must have valid presidence permits in Turkey. ( This rule applies to students under the age of  18.) 

Note: If students under the age of 18 will stay in Turkey with any of their relatives or Turkish acquaintances , parents must prepare some documents such as commitment documents.

Students who shall attend an associate, undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate programme or recieve education for speciality in medicine (TUS) or dentistry (DUS) are issued residence permits.

this permit ensures the student to be only the supporter of spouse and children in family residence permit applications. It does not directly provide any right to the other relatives about residence permit.

As a rule residence permit is issued for the period of study in Turkey. But the Immigration office may be granted a one year residence permit  for primary or seconday education  and renewed throughout  the education period.

Rules for working as a student in Turkey :Foreigner students who study in  associate, undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate programme, may work here after obtain a work permit in Turkey. ( Assosiate or undergraduate students can apply for a work permit after one year of they study in Turkey.

Students are required to get information from the Turkish Consulate in relevant country, regarding their education visa and school registration procedures.

Procedure for student residence permit:

Examination of the preliminary documents

Determination of the application eligibility

Preparation of the necessary documents

Making an appointment at the relevant immigration office

Submitting the application file to the immigration office

Applications are evaluated positively or negatively within 90 days after the appointment

Residence permit card is sent to the applicant’s address informed during the application

The official link of the Immigration office:

Our Services:

Making a preliminary examination for the residence permit application: If it is possible this process should be done while the applicants are outside of Turkey. 

Note: According to the bilateral agreements between governments, there may be some restrictions on entry procedures into Turkey and some special application documents may be requested from outside Turkey.

RL Turkey Immigration & Relocation office will inform the applicants which visa is accepable/suitable for the residence permit application in Turkey.

Determining the interview date: We compare the immigration office system with the applicant’s schedule to determine the convenient date.

Eligibity checking of the application documents: the required documents list will be shared with the applicants , We will provide support at every step of the process.

Making the application at the immigration office: Our team will meet the applicant at the immigration office. ( If applicants give us POA, our lawyer is going to accompany them.)

Government fees will be paid by us and the application file will be prepared.

Follow-up of the application process: Immigration Officers are going to evaluate and conclude the application file in a certain period. Our team will access the immigration system to check the status of the application.

If needed, our authorized lawyer will submit the additional application documents to the immigration office within determined period.

Obtaining the resinde permit card: The card is sent to the applicant’s registered address, ( As a rule, the applicant or authorized person can get it from the relevant institute.)

RL Turkey Immigration & Relocation office is going to provide up-to-date information on changes in the immigration laws and regulations.

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